Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the stars? What lies beyond space itself? And before the universe began, what was existance? Did existance itself exist? Was there anything at all? And if there was not... well it is impossible to comprehend just plain nothingness. Without any existance, well its undescribable. No words could describe nothing better than the word itself. Nothing.
Questions such as this are thought to be impossible to answer or explain. No one may ever know what exists beyond what we know. On the other hand, in a couple years for all we know, we may learn all the secrets of the universe. Look how far we have come from the beginning. In the beginning we believed the world was flat. Now we know that to be false. No one believed humans would ever make it to the moon. Look how that turned out.
Anything that seems impossible never really is. Eventually, we will defy all the laws of physics. We will be able to do things now thought completely insane. Completely unbelievable. We will be able to travel beyond the stars, beyond this universe. The next demension. Limits do not exist. We will continue to advance and that... will never end.
So true. Oh and guess what? We are either the last generation to die or the first to live forever.
Oh.... Great!!!!