HEY NEWGROUNDS, the other night I dropped the first chapter of my comic Exxistence_Between!! It's about the characters which you may have seen on my various cover arts and which the subject matter of my music tends to revolve around, A.K.A. The Plushie Punks!! They're kind of a polycule, kind of a cult, kind of a lot of stuff, and in this first chapter, the four of them (Kuma, Celestia, Hayden, and their diabolical badass leader Maxx) spontaneously embark on one of their many missions-- in this case, a journey to another dimension called The Cryptid Realm in hopes of finding themselves a totally kawaii mascot for the Plushie Punks >:3
Exxistence_Between is a lot of things. Sometimes it's cute, sometimes it's rad, sometimes it's scary, sometimes it's emotional, and sometimes it's psychedelic tentacle sex rituals-- WHICH IS TO SAY it is for freakin ADULTS, GET OUTTA HERE PPL WHO ARE NOT KIDS!!1!!! IT LITERALLY HAS PORN IN IT!!!!
Anyways if ur interested, the link is below ^w^ Btw there is a more comprehensive content warning at the beginning of the comic for those who need it<3